Zoning Tools / Parking Calculator

Parking Ratio and Parking Space Calculators

Whether you are buying, developing, or rehabbing a commercial property, parking is a big consideration. This is where our parking ratio calculator and parking space calculator comes in handy.

Now you can easily calculate the correct parking numbers you need.

Parking Ratio Calculator

Parking Space Calculator

How to use these calculators?

Using our parking calculators is quite straightforward.

For the parking ratio calculator:

  1. Start by inputting the rentable area of the building.
  2. Next, specify the total number of parking spots available.
  3. Ensure that both values entered are greater than 0.

For the parking space calculator:

  1. Start by inputting the rentable area of the building.
  2. Next, specify the parking ratio required.
  3. Ensure that both values entered are greater than 0.

After you provide the necessary details and click the button, you'll have your calculation It is that simple!

What Factors Influence Parking Ratios?

While the calculation process is simple, there are a few factors to consider when determining the optimal parking scenario.

  • Use of the building: Is the building primarily residential or commercial?
  • Location: Is the building located in the heart of the city or in the suburbs?
  • Local regulations: Your municipality will have specific rules regarding parking. Be sure to check your propery zoning if you are unsure of what it is.

Breaking Down the Parking Ratio Formula

Let's examine how to calculate the parking ratio per 1000 square feet. The equation is as follows:

PR = 1000 × PS / RA


  • PR denotes the parking ratio,
  • PS stands for the number of parking spots, and
  • RA signifies the rentable area in square feet.

The PS/RA ratio needs to be multiplied by 1000 if you wish to calculate the parking ratio per 1000 square feet. If you are interested in a simple parking ratio, the multiplication by 1000 can be skipped.

Breaking Down the Parking Space Formula

Let's examine how to calculate the number of parking spaces needed. The equation is as follows:

PS = RA * (PR/1000)


  • PS stands for the number of parking spaces,
  • RA signifies the rentable area in square feet, and
  • PR denotes the parking spaces per 1000 square feet.

Practical Example

Let's imagine you are developing a 50-unit multi-family property with a gross building area of 50,000 square feet.

Scenario One:

In scenario one, you know that there are 100 required spaces and you need to know what the parking ratio is.

To determine the parking ratio, use the following formula:

PR = 1000 × 100 / 50000 = 2

So, for this hypothetical apartment building, the parking ratio equals 2 parking spots per 1000 square feet, or for simplicity, a ratio of 2:1000.

Scenario Two:

In scenario two, you know that the parking ratio is 2 spaces for every 1000 square feet and you want to know the total number of spaces you'll need.

To determine the number of required parking spaces, use the following formula:

PS = 50,000 * (2 / 1000) = 100

So, for this hypothetical 50,000 square foot apartment building, you will need 100 parking spaces based on a ratio of 2:1000.

For more useful tools to assist you in property planning and development, check out our other calculators: